Thursday, December 12, 2013

Students Write the Darndest Answers

It may not seem like this post meets the Advent Challenge 2013 requirements, but hang in there to the end. I’ll spin it.

These are answers to an essay question on a Bible Test. The students are all eighth or tenth grade boys. Note:  Any grammatical errors are theirs, not mine!

Choose a person from the book of Ruth and tell why he/she is a good or bad example for you to follow.

D W.:  Well one of my favorite people in the book of Ruth would be Naomi. Because even though she lost every thing such as her husband & her two sons while in another country, she still followed God which I think would be extremely hard. I feel that many people in the world today including myself would not be able to be so strong. So that is why I think Naomi was a good example to follow.

I S.:  I think Ruth was a good example mainly because of what she said to Naomi about going where she will go & staying where she stays (sorry I can’t remember the reference) because that is how I should be in my walk with Christ, doing what Christ would do & going where Christ wants me to go.

A P.:  Boaz is a landholder in Bethlehem & he is related to Elimilech. He helps Ruth & Naomi out more than he has to by giving 50 lbs of grain & six measures of barley. He redeems Ruth & Elimilech’s land instead of the closer relative of Elimilech. I think he is a good example because he went above & beyond what was required of scripture when it came to helping his relatives. I don’t think I go as far as he does when it comes to helping others so I could take a few pointers from Boaz when it comes to helping others. I learned I need to be generous when I help others & that I probably wouldn’t have been as generous as Boaz if I was in this position.

J M.:  Ruth would be a good example because she was always listening to Naomi. Which gives me the example to listen to my mother because in the end things will probably turn out good like Ruth.

S B.:  Boaz was a good example because he redeemed Ruth, he was nice to her, thought she was a good women, and got married. This is good for me because you should check someone out, and then if you like them, they are a good person, and a Christian, maybe you’ll marry them.

K R:  Boaz is a good example because he is kind to Ruth and was willing to take her in. When she laid at his feet, he knew immediately what he should do. He was kind, generous, and rich. If I would have woken up with someone at my feet, I would’ve called the cops.

The Advent Connection

            Ruth and Boaz became the grandparents of Jesse’s son, David, to whom God promised an eternal dynasty. The Gospel writer Matthew includes Boaz in the three sets of fourteen forefathers of Jesus named in chapter 1. He also includes Ruth, one of only five women mentioned as ancestors of Jesus. Likewise, the Gospel writer Luke, includes Boaz in his chapter 3 genealogy from Jesus back to God.


  1. I remember those days at our Christian school. These answers are all very good and thought provoking. I like to see the wheels turning in young people. Good job teacher and students!

  2. Thanks, Marsha. Do you see why I miss them?
